More artworks made by caratulion

contrastes color
creía que arruine el trabajo...
Challenge: caratulion VS flecks
Oscarlira 18 Oct 2015
Increíble, el reflejo de los ojos esta súper detallado, y el contraste en el cabello es perfecto, algo en el cuello me llama la atención, no lo entendo donde inicia y termina, solo mi personal punto de vista
BlueSpiritWolf6 2 Dec 2016
Nice :)
Laurenh11598 16 Oct 2015
Wow, great technique :)
Beudeltee 16 Oct 2015
damn you are a pro in shading :O its soo accurate and still fits in the composition and makes the picture pleasant to look at... great job
Victoria Rosenfield 16 Oct 2015
That's a great technique and a great lesson.
hgardin 16 Oct 2015
Fantastic use of shadow.
Nozomi 16 Oct 2015
nice work!! you ar a pro i like this.
Khobe 16 Oct 2015
Great drawing, dramatic tone values makes it come out powerfully and a tinge of red does a marvelous job to catch the eye, It seems colored pencils is a medium that works really well for you. They might look easier to paint with but I can attest it's not the case, they're just less dirty and more immediate to work with than wetter mediums.
Anonymous 16 Feb 2017
stunning :D love it
numer23 17 Oct 2015
Wow. Shading is really great as well as use of light. I like this contrast, it works very well in this piece :-D Well done!
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