More artworks made by Beudeltee



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-10-15


I was out in the cold last week and sketched some people for exercise


  • hgardin 16 Oct 2015

    Great practice to develop your drawing skills. You have done a great job capturing the gestures and form of these figures.

  • Khobe 18 Oct 2015

    To sketch live on the drop of a hat is a great challenge & a great school, keep it up. I command your courage to go beyond ego & practice art "in the raw", you have a good sense of capturing the feel. It's a shame not many are confident enough to do what you're doing, this makes me sad. They are afraid of making mistakes & avoid making them with art apps, so they never really become artists, just good at cheating themselves out of their artistic potential. To become an artist you thrive on your mistakes & the needed corrections, that's the only way to grow just like learning how to live.

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