More artworks made by Eldurinn

Helium - Reach for the Donuts
Description: I did this to show a fellow budding artist me drawing a dragon. XD They requested a baby dragon flying. I was getting distracted and was having trouble drawing that pose, so I settled with this one. SAI, PS - Surface Pro (1st gen) ~5 hours Helium and art (c) Me. Nu steals
HopeaDreki 19 Oct 2015
Eeeeeee Helieeeeee <3 Great work here again, Kryp!! :D
Eagle 18 15 Oct 2015
I really like the shape of the dragon and how detailed its claws are. I think what could be better is the transition between the legs, the tail and what I guess should be wings. The transition looks quite hard and not as soft as it could be. I also find the background a little distracting, not because of the colors (I like them), but because of the small patterns.
rodrigosebastian 15 Oct 2015
Good concept
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