More artworks made by LiarBunny
I enjoy life...
Well, It's started as a Gaia Online fan art, but... it's not. This was a "why not" theme.. I just realized, that all of my drawnings are dark, gloomy, and i'm not suprised, when somebody cut his veins, when sees them. Sorry for that x) I'm just in this mood, but trying to change. So... I finished this as a freakin' zombie... but I like it x) It's not perfect aand never be. Let's enjoy life together xD
Beudeltee 15 Oct 2015
Don´t let yourself get harassed because of your style.... If you like to draw creepy and depressing things, it is okay, because that is the way YOU are. Just be yourself and just do the art you like. Even though others (including me) might not like it - that´s okay. Tastes are different. So no need to explain yourself in such a long way. Just do it :D Have you tried painting with ink? Might be something for you, because you can work with a lot of shading from black to white.
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