More artworks made by Joel'sVoid

The forgotten bunny (A short horror/CP story)
(So, I kind of have this weird thing going on, where I take my old stories and fix and rewrite them a bit. Here's the story of the forgotten bunny. Enjoy. Please do read at your own risk, because this story does have some violence and disturbing imagery in it (There's also mature language, but only few words). Thank you) !!Warning! Seances of violence and disturbing imagery that you might not be fond of!! 13th of October, 2002 A girl named Stephanie of age 7 and her parents, Mitch and her step-mother Cadence, were moving to Mexico where Cadence lived. It was Stephanie's birthday. She and her parents were in their new house, everything was unpacked and placed. Cadence walked up to the brunette little girl, who was drawing on the living room floor. "Hey, Stephanie." Stephanie looked up at her step-mother. "What?" She asked. "Me and your father have a gift for you." she said with a warm smile. "Really?!" Stephanie jumped up from the floor. Cadence nodded and they both walked to Stephanie's room. Stephanie's dad was in her room, sitting on her bed and holding a box on his lap. Stephanie sat next to him on the bed. "what's that?" She said and pointed at the box. "Why wont you open it and find out?" He said and put the box on Stephanie's lap. Stephanie nodded and opened the box. She gasped in delight and pulled out a blue stuffed bunny with a heart on its chest. "It's so cute!" She squealed and hugged the bunny. "Thanks daddy, you're the best!" She said and hugged her dad. "I'm happy that you like it, kiddo." He said, picked her up and started walking to the kitchen, Cadence behind the two. "Remember to thank Cadence too, she made it herself." He said, turned and gave Stephanie to Cadence. "Thanks, Cadence" Stephanie said and hugged her. Cadence smiled and set her down. "No problem, sweetheart" "Ok, it's time to eat the cake you two" Mitch said and the three walked together into the kitchen. Stephanie sat down on a chair around the kitchen table after she was put down. Cadence took a seat next to the little girl and smiled at her, and Stephanie smiled back. Mitch brought a big cake to the table and sat down himself. After eating Stephanie goes to her room to play with her new toys, while Cadence and Mitch went outside to the porch, Cadence drinking her tea and Mitch smoking a cigarette. "Should we tell her know.." Cadence said in her seat. Mitch took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew some smoke out. "I..I don't know.." He said. "She's 7 years now and still doesn't know..she's going to found out sooner or later.." Cadence said looking down at her tea. "We'll tell her when she's old enough." Mitch said, putting the cigarette back in his mouth. "And what is 'old enough'?" Cadence said looking at the slightly annoyed man. Mitch just growled and looked at the ground. He took the cigarette out again and said "Listen, I just don't want her to get hurt, she's a very sensitive little girl and doesn't need this in her life" "But-" "NO BUTS! Her mother is dead and didn't love her or me! And committed suicide! End of FUCKING story!" Mitch yelled. After that they both heard silent crying from the open front door. "S-she..d-didn't..l-love us?" Stephanie said in tears, holding her stuffed bunny tightly onto her chest. Her dad walked closer to the crying little girl. "N-no,'s ok.." He said pulling her into a hug. "N-NO!" Stephanie yelled pushing her dad off of her. "Stephanie?" He said. "Why didn't you tell about mommy?!" She yelled, still crying. "Look, Steff..she..umm..I d-don't know how to say this, but..she didn't love you..or me for that matter.." He said quietly, as to not scare the smaller brunette. "Mommy had a lot of problems and...sometimes those problems make people do bad things.." Stephanie started crying louder and hugging her dad tightly. Mitch picked her up and walked inside to her room, laying her on her bed. "It's ok, have me and Cadence. Everything will be alright." he said and kissed Stephanie on her forehead. ~Stephanie's dream~ Stephanie wakes in a beautiful fall forest. She walks around looking at the different colored leaves falling down from the trees. "Everything is so beautiful." She thinks to herself. She sees all kind of animals walking around as well, when suddenly..all the beautiful light brown trees change to leafless dark trees. The green bushes and grass fade to dead roots and all the animals seem..different... They're all bloody with ash-black bones showing from under the broken pieces of flesh. All at once, the animals turn their heads and they all have this unnerving and creepy smile. Suddenly Stephanie finds herself unable to move, she's's looking wide eyed at the creepy animals. She hugs tightly onto the stuffed bunny she didn't realize she had in the first place. Stephanie closes her eyes tightly, wishing that it all would just fade away. She feels something grab her leg, she opens her eyes to see some kind of tentacle. She starts to scream. ~Real life~ Mitch is shaking her daughter to wake her up. Stephanie opens her eyes only to see her dad's and Cadence's worried faces. "Steff, are you ok?" her dad asks, worry, more or so, obvious in his tone. "Wha-what's going on?" Stephanie asks confused. "'re crying.." he says. "I-I am?" Stephanie touches her cheek with her small fragile hand and feels streaks of salty tears pouring from her shining eyes. "Are you alright?" Cadence asks the still scared little girl. The girl nods slowly and her dad wipes the tears away with his thumb. "What happened?" he asks. "I had a nightmare.." Stephanie says shaking a little. "Again?" Cadence asks. Stephanie nods. "that's the 5th one this week" She continues. "What's the time?" Mitch asks looking at Cadence. Cadence looks at the watch on her wrist (aka a wristwatch) "It's 6 o'" She answers. "Well..I guess if you don't want to sleep anymore, I guess you could come downstairs to eat breakfast" Mitch says and looks at Stephanie. She nods and gets out of bed with her bunny. After breakfast, Stephanie goes to the living room and starts drawing again. Cadence sits next to her. "what are ya drawing?" She asks. "The thing that I see in my nightmares.." Stephanie answers. "Can I see it?" Stephanie nods and gives the drawing to Cadence. "Oh this is what's been bothering you in your dreams?" Cadence asks. "More like these.." Stephanie says. "What do you mean?" Cadence asks confusedly. "I mean..there's more of's always a different one, sometimes even two or more.." Stephanie answers. "What are these..things? Cadence asked with a bit worried tone. "I don't know..some of them 'look' like people, but..I'm not sure.." Stephanie said and looks down at her bunny. "What do they want from you?" Cadence asks. "They want to kill.." Stephanie said. "Kill? Kill who?" Cadence looks at the little girl, who's hugging her bunny. "Us.." Stephanie said as she tilted her head up to look at Cadence right in her eyes. ~12 years later~ After Stephanie, Mitch and Cadence had moved from Mexico after a murderer had broke in to their house and had almost killed Stephanie, which happened 12 years ago, they now lived in New York. Cadence wanted to move back to Mexico, but Mitch didn't like the idea, so Cadence moved there by herself. Stephanie had decided to visit Cadence, but when she got there Cadence was no where to be found. The house was old..spiderwebs everywhere, broken furniture and the house was a bit broken itself. Stephanie went to her old room and went trough all the old stuff she found, finding broken and dusty kids' toys and stuff she didn't really care about at the moment. She looked inside the closets, boxes, anything..until..she opened a closet in the attic, only to find Cadence's body hanged there, she was bloody all over and had a look of pure terror on her face. Stephanie screamed and jumped back. There was a piece of paper nailed on her dead corpse. It said: "Forgotten, forgotten for years! The pain! The time! My hurts.." It was written in crayon, which was a bit weird..suddenly Cadence's corpse fell to the ground revealing even more of a horrifying sight. There was letters written in blood on the wall of the said: "YOU HURT ME" The closet was filled with blood and dead animal corpses, some of the corpses' limbs were missing and none of the corpses had eyes and had stitched frowns. Stephanie's eyes widen from fear and shock..she noticed that she couldn't move or make a sound, she suddenly became dizzy, she looked down and there was a knife hit through where her heart is. She fell down dead on the floor, her killer took the knife from her torso and left, only for what looked like a tear fell down from it's light blue button eye onto it's soft cheek made of blue fabric. The End. For now.
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