More artworks made by RustedWolf


Mitsy RIP

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-08-20


My gorgeous cat Mitsy had to be put to sleep as she was wasting away due to not being able to eat because of a stomach tumor. You can see pictures of her in my gallery when she was healthy and living. Be at peace now you beautiful girl.


  • K-Koji 19 Jul 2021


  • XxTaexX 21 Aug 2014

    :) you gave me a bit of motivation to finally give tribute to her tho I thank you for that. Oh and of course no problem, you commented for me as well

  • RustedWolf 20 Aug 2014

    Ah sorry to hear about your dog. Pets passing away is just the worst! Thank you for commenting :)

  • XxTaexX 20 Aug 2014

    Awww I know that feeling all to well, my dog died of kidney failure it was just torture. She was no doubt one of the best dogs. Anyway I love the composition of the piece. I can't stop staring at the gorgeously drawn skull.

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