Ashes to Gold
Back in Las Verros the Chance family, or as it was known then, Canncet, served the Black family. It wasn't until the collapse of Las Verros when one of the Chance sons helped Cassacar Black escape the collapse. Since then they have been equals and spawned a massive family line. For the last five hundred years, Gabriel Chance has ruled his family, working closely with the Black heir, Leif Black. Gabriel was a strategist at his heart, every relation, every action carefully measured to ultimately benefit him, even his manipulation of the Black family. Without him, Leif never would've rose to such heights and Gabriel would've had to find his own way to power. Gabriel never had any intentions of siring heirs, he saw them as pointless beings that would only eventually overthrow and kill him for his powers. Nonetheless through the years he managed to birth two children, both illegitimately, Brenna and Justin. Brenna came first, her mother dumping her on Gabriel's doorstep without an explanation or a return address. With no interest in raising a child, Gabriel hired help to take care of her. But once she matured into a full-fledged vampire and started killing the serving staff Gabriel needed to find an alternative. So he thrust the girl on Leif, leaving her to find her place in the Black mansion without ever intending to take her back. Justin was another mishap. Gabriel had actually loved his mother for a short while, though she had nothing but regret for the nights they spent together. She agreed to raise Justin into vampiredom, but at that point, Gabriel was to take Justin. Leif encouraged Gabriel to groom Justin to be proper heir and so Gabriel tried, but was disappointed at every turn, his son never to meet his high expectations. Brenna and Justin knew their father didn't care about them, but they were trapped in the expectations of a high ranking family. Justin took his opportunity to rebel by scheming with Leif's daughter and heir, Vlad to give her a child out of wedlock. When Leif and Gabriel found out, they were both infuriated and Justin was sent to run the RIOSK Gang headquarters in Europe, far away from the Black Empress. Brenna knew it wouldn't be long before Gabriel chose to bury her somewhere deep away from the world and desperately sought a way to increase her value. She turned to Vinn, Vlad's brother. Vinn's father was a loss for trying to carry on his bloodline as his daughter would not abide to his wishes. So Vinn and Brenna struck a deal and wed. There was no love between Vinn and Brenna, but they had the same problems and goals, together they quickly became a power couple among the vampire nobility. Everyone envied them and wanted to be them, they putting up the perfect appearance of most amazing couple. To abide their parent's wishes, they produced one child, Alexis. Brenna had never knew, but Alexis would change her life forever, the hole in Brenna she had so desperately tried to fill with power, blood and lust finally sealed with the love for her child. Alexis was spoiled, reuniting Gabriel and Leif to dote on their granddaughter. Alexis would never want for anything and eventually would have it all Characters: (left to right) Alexis Black-Chance, Gabriel Chance, Brenna Chance, Justin Chance Series: Rain Tools: Photoshop CS6 + Intuos 5
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