More artworks made by Brooklynken

"Emotions of Ending"
This is the three artworks i submitted for my HSC Major Body of Work in 2014 :) This one is the third! Finished my Major Body Of Work for Visual Arts at the start of the week, and i would just like to say how proud i am of myself for the works that i have produced for submission to the Board of Studies! While you do have a whole year, the pressure and stress to come up with an idea and be able to create this artwork is immensely difficult! I am actually really proud of the artworks i did! It's a series of works called 'Human Nature Under A Microscope', and is about the effects that technology can have on an individual's humanity, if it goes to far and the consequences of that :) Materials i used was canvases on ply wood that i make myself, and the painting is watercolour and i used a technique where you lift the paint back off with paper towel to create an effect of layers and due to the paper towel having a pattern, that is how i created the pattern! Hope y'all like it!
Clarvius 20 Jun 2015
nice concept ! :D
Mnosd Dina Atex 23 Sep 2014
Nice idea (:
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