More artworks made by Oscarlira

Old drawing Misery VS warblade
Old drawing made in chinese ink for this jim lee drawing
Don Art 8 Oct 2015
5 stars!!
Nathan 2 Oct 2015
This is Excellent! I'm currently learning to Ink comic style in Manga Studio and this is very Inspiring! Very well done!
trevorp 2 Oct 2015
Very detailed artwork - well done :-)
tertiusviducius 2 Oct 2015
If you are not yet a hired comic book illustrator I would be surprised. Stuff us good.
Celf 2 Oct 2015
Very nice inking, it gets a little confusing around both heads though, I am guessing because there is so much detail there. Not sure if it's something that could be fixed in a future drawing, maybe by darkening further around the most important shapes. (Like maybe a cast shadow behind the man's jaw) Other than that the piece itself is very well made, I like the dynamism :)
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