
More artworks made by Pandora555


love the blue color ;)

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-10-02


blue :D

Challenge: Pandora555 VS caratulion


  • hubert perron 14 Dec 2015

    superb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • xpector 28 Oct 2015

    wow!!! superb work looks so real .

  • Mutantenfisch 2 Oct 2015

    Blues are my favourite colours, too. I really like the shading here and the flow of the feather.

  • Haalaesc 2 Oct 2015

    beautifull :)

  • Trigemini 28 Oct 2015


  • Drachul 21 Oct 2015

    Very nice. How to beautifully use color pencils is one of the things I'd like to learn in the near did you learn it? Any suggestions for a beginner? :)

  • Anonymous 2 Oct 2015

    Very detailed! <3

  • Angelicateriksson 2 Oct 2015

    Nice work with colors! Great shading! I really like it!

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