Asleep Under Water
Czrich Seers The Seers use moss local to their swamp to make their cloaks. You can tell where a Seer originates by the color of their cloak. The bog moss varies in a rainbow of colors by location. By using local moss the Seers blend in with their location. The primary food source of the Seers for thousands of years have been the young of the Ekozamos. The Ekozamos must venture into the swamps to reproduce, where they will leave thousands of cells that will slowly evolve into young. The bogs are the only place that has enough nutrients and life forms for the younglings to survive until maturity. Seers are also commonly seen eating fruit, nuts, fish and fungus. Sweet fruit is rare in the swamps so it is considered a delicacy. Seers have incredibly sharp and poisonous claws and barbs. Developed to fend off large swamp beasts with irritation, smaller creatures will die with the tiniest prick within a couple hours. The only known cure is an extremely rare silver orchid that has been freshly picked. Females have smaller fangs, barbs and claws Species: Czrich Seer World: Czrich Series: Rain Tools: Traditional lineart, Photoshop CS6 + Wacom Intuos 5
Helera 30 Sep 2015
Terrifing! I wouldn't want to find one of this guy! U.U Anyway, the art is amazing!
GoldenDrakAngel 11 Oct 2015
Awesomely scary... I love it!
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