More artworks made by Silverlined

Family Matters
Just some characters made up between friends and myself: the little winged fellow is actually supposed to be much older, buuuut it's more fun to draw him as a child. Please ignore the lamentable face of the tallest figure - faces are still one of the things that I struggle at in my art!
kiranox 30 Sep 2015
you have really strong lineart, I love the little harpy dude and the beaked critter, so awesome
Florin Dumitru 30 Sep 2015
CeeCeeDude 30 Sep 2015
I think the only thing wrong with the taller one's face is that his nose looks a little crooked. Otherwise, this is really great line art! I especially like the textures and wrinkles. It's hard to tell when it's too many or too few lines for those, but you seem to have done a wonderful job. :)
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