More artworks made by Creativeblossom1

Mirror Image
My character Jezebel's 2 sides: possessed side (the dark colour) and her normal side (the light colour) Here's a bit about her: Loves being possessed as it makes her feel alive. Done a lot of research on the devil and afterlife. One of her occupations: Monster Hunter/ exorcist ; when possessed (depending on the ghost), she becomes more aggressive and violent towards other ponies, so will have to be restrained. She’s cruel and intimidating . Cocky. Stubborn; Show-off. Has a similar job to Constantine (also wears similar outfits to him). Her friends worry a lot about her. (Pony) Constantine is her best friend and she often accompanies him to his exorcisms and jobs. Perky When possessed, her white coat turns black. Her eyes are the first thing to change (they change to a batpony kind of style iris). Her voice deepens slightly. Very determined; considered insane because of her line of work and how much she enjoys it (a lot). Usually very sweet and caring toward other ponies. Constantine calls her Jez or Belle for short; Jez is more thrown toward her possessed side, and belle to her normal side. Her name means wicked in hebrew. She does smoke, but more when in the company of Constantine - being around him made her interested in the habit; he states it is a habit that relieves stress
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