
More artworks made by Crystal Jones

Challenge: Crystal Jones VS EmotionalArtist


  • Eddieblz 29 Sep 2015

    You must have allot of cats around the house like we do. LOL cool shot.

  • Crystal Jones 29 Sep 2015

    Yes ^^ Thanks !

  • Hill's Beverly Creative 24 Jan 2017

    Two best friends ! Sweet sweet Kitties ! Are they litter mates ? They like to rest in their favorite spot. Great photo oif cats ! I like like !

    Crystal Jones 24 Jan 2017

    Thanks so much ! =^-^=

  • Wingedog 24 Dec 2015

    Good timing ^-^

  • Anonymous 11 Oct 2015

    this is hard to comment on

  • Ridwan Ridun 29 Sep 2015

    Cute Cats!

  • Anonymous 29 Sep 2015

    Very nice

  • cruey 29 Sep 2015


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