More artworks made by didier1961


jermaine dupri

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-09-23




  • kitten_500 25 May 2016

    Very cool

    didier1961 26 May 2016

    thank you.............. :-)

  • didier1961 12 Oct 2015

    hey..... thank's for your comment where hey learn ! by myself what is it all about !!!too give you courage for drawing ......good work!!!! :----)

  • didier1961 3 Oct 2015

    thank you soooo mutch !!!!!! :-----)

  • hgardin 24 Sep 2015

    Love the style

  • didier1961 25 Sep 2015

    thank you :-) :-) :-)

  • didier1961 24 Sep 2015

    thank you soo mutch

  • CloudZenith 25 Sep 2015

    This looks amazing! I love how you created the folds in his shirt, it looks strikingly realistic.

  • JERRICK JONES 3 Oct 2015

    nice you king characterist

  • Art is life 12 Oct 2015

    U r brilliant M awestruck Where u learnt. Btw thank u for gifting me But what is it all about

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