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Peter Took His Eye Off Of Jesus And Started To Sin
Medium: Pen And Ink On sketch Book Paper Size: 12" X 18" Date Completed: 9/ 22/15 This study is for an upcoming paint about the life of Christ. The drawling it's self took about two week time of working on it off and on. The research stage took about two months. This study is attempt to capture spirit of being out on the water walking with Jesus during a storm on the sea of Galilee. I hope the viewer can feel Peter anxiety as he is sinking in to the lake as fierce storm drain peter faith in his ability to walk on water through the ability the lord gave him. I wanted to show how compassionate Jesus is to quickly crouch down to rescue peter from drawing and get him back to the safety of the boat with the rest of the disciples, which is outside of the illustration.. Some people feel that i should have Jesus feet visible above the water,so people don't get the notion that Jesus is sinking in the water too. But if I do that it would alter what it would really look like in the natural world ,because even if Jesus's feet were on top of the water this might not be visible to the viewer because the waves in front of Jesus might block the view of his feet. This illustration make think about the time we have all tried to do a task that the lord has call us to, but we have tried to accomplish the task depending on our own strength in stead of the strength of the holy Spirit. Then we Find our self sinking instead of making head way and we have to call on the Lord to rescue us and put us back on the right track. Written By Stephen J. Vattimo Sept 22,2015
Challenge: surealworld VS Puk
NobleBacon 23 Sep 2015
Well done love all The deTail!
LadyoftheApocalypse 27 Sep 2015
You have done a wonderful job on this!
Don Art 23 Sep 2015
love it!
Puk 23 Sep 2015
This is a very detailed work.
anastasiacarrots 23 Sep 2015
I really like this, nice technique!
mac 23 Sep 2015
Great work!!!
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