Yin yang (Hyrule warriors)
So I was playing hyrule warriors with a friend and halfway through I noticed, I chose the fish, and he chose the dragon. Just like a yin yang.
Challenge: Briver VS Henri K.
Anonymous 19 Sep 2015
pretty neat good tattoo design if you maybe zazz the edges up somehow
Henri K. 19 Sep 2015
I quite like the idea behind this one. Water and fire, dark and light, aggressive and calm... I admit it would help a lot if I knew something about the game this is based on, but oh well. Especially that dragon guy looks neat, I like those light effects on the dragon head part. Quite a neat piece in general. It needs a moment of thought from the viewer, but once you realize the concept behind it, it's actually rather hypnotizing.
Cola 19 Sep 2015
nice.. interesting!
Anonymous 19 Sep 2015
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