
More artworks made by hgardin



By hgardin
Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-09-17


This is a photo of a painting I did as a prop for a production of "Almost, Maine". In the play, a male character is showing his interest in a female character who is finding it difficult to think in terms of a romantic relationship. He gives her a painting which he has done for her that he says he has done in a pointillistic style, but that she should be able to tell the subject if she "squints her eyes". With the audience not seeing the painting, she makes random guesses, like road kill. When the painting is revealed to the audience it is supposed to be clearly apparent as a heart.


  • Briver 19 Sep 2015

    This is very colourful.

  • Florin 24 Sep 2015

    Good job !

  • Anonymous 17 Sep 2015

    Love this piece. nice texture, colors, and lighting.

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