
More artworks made by Black Specter


zaraki kenpachi

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-09-16


Character from BLEACH the anime


  • Jan Spicka 25 Nov 2015

    very dark

  • Crystal Jones 8 Dec 2015

    Good work !

  • Hill's Beverly Creative 1 Jan 2017

    The scar down the face really makes this portrait shocking ! I like like like !

  • sunflower 16 Sep 2015

    i love the way you longed his face

  • Infinitelove 18 Sep 2015

    Awesome work. I love it :)

  • Iwo 20 Jan 2016

    Nice :)

  • MKIII & AV59 14 Feb 2017

    l love Bleach, keep it up ^^

  • CeeCeeDude 20 Oct 2016


  • Anonymous 16 Sep 2015

    I like the lights and darks, but the overall composition doesn't really do anything for me. Not bad though :)

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