
More artworks made by Crystal Jones

Challenge: Crystal Jones VS Kana Go


  • Don Art 14 Sep 2015


  • Mutantenfisch 14 Sep 2015

    I must say I really love the composition here. The cat's pose is wonderful, it looking directly at the camera adds a lot of indirect communication between cat and viewer and the lighting is quite interesting. I'm just wondering if I like the more shadowed eye or not. On one hand, it adds some "drama" ( ; on the other hand this is a bit distracting. Anyway, this is probably my favourite one of your cat photos.

  • EmotionalArtist 12 Jan 2016

    Beautiful cat, I love the way you captured that adorable pose.

  • FerryQueen 18 Nov 2015


  • FerryQueen 18 Nov 2015


  • Cre8trix 30 Oct 2016

    Kitten high fives are the best

    Crystal Jones 30 Oct 2016


  • lightningdre95 7 Oct 2015

    This cat is a better model than any human I've seen, lol. So cute. Love its little paw.

  • Anonymous 14 Sep 2015

    that's so sweet kitten)

  • Anonymous 13 Sep 2015


  • Anonymous 13 Sep 2015

    cute, i love the expression on cats faces

  • Anonymous 13 Sep 2015


  • ogrash eno 13 Sep 2015

    great photo, nice kitty, a bit shadowed eye but do not listen to me, i am not photographer.. :)

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