More artworks made by didier1961



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-09-13




  • hubert perron 30 Jun 2016

    great job

    didier1961 30 Jun 2016

    thank you.............:-)

  • Eidolon 29 Sep 2015

    very nice!

  • didier1961 30 Sep 2015

    THANK YOU :-)

  • didier1961 14 Sep 2015

    thank's !!! :----)

  • Anonymous 5 Aug 2016

    The proportions are a bit off in this picture, the shading is very good but it looks as if the lines of the body should be more cleanly cut, even if it is an abstract style.

    didier1961 5 Aug 2016

    thank you.............:-)

  • Anonymous 1 Jan 2016

    This is a great attempt to do more abstract art

  • Anonymous 12 Dec 2015

    Very nice!

  • tigerlily 14 Sep 2015

    well done

  • KaldurxConner 14 Sep 2015

    Wow at first I shout this was a selfie. Well done!

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