More artworks made by kiranox


The Wind Through My Bones

By kiranox
Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-09-12


Some characters I have drawn to death, others no matter how many times I've drawn them I haven't quite got them right. Scarlet was one, every time I went to draw her, I did something different, trying to nail her down. I finally feel like this piece is her. Scarlet was abandoned as baby and left with wealthy witch family. There she was raised as one of their own, never receiving a satisfactory answer to her origins, while always aware that one day she would change. She was a model child, excelled in her classes and lessons but that all stopped when her transition began. Once a fully fledged vampire, Scarlet no longer felt like she fit in and ran away from home in search of her origins. She traveled the world in search of answers, but she had no clues and eventually she gave up. She went place to place, never staying anywhere long, listlessly drifting through the world. It would be decades until her mother sought her out Character: Scarlet Series: Rain Tools: Photoshop CS6 + Wacom Intuos


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