More artworks made by The Scorpion Art


Scorpionic Gestalt "Reversibility"

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-09-09


This is a proyect about Gestalt´s laws, using scorpions like main element, its for my Image Theory classes...i hope yuo like it


  • Sazdawg 4 Dec 2015

    aaahhhh very creative and intelligent! I am impressed! :)

  • Mnosd Dina Atex 9 Sep 2015

    good idea ( :

  • monicats 9 Sep 2015

    O.O At first I thought it was a face but then I looked closer and saw the scorpions. So cool TTwTT

  • hunterroseart 9 Sep 2015

    I like how you used the scorpion to create different images! Very unique!

  • thunderspider 9 Sep 2015

    Amazing scorpions work!

  • Anonymous 9 Sep 2015


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