More artworks made by surealworld

Unexpected Visiter
This color sketch was done for a pumpkin carving design I did for the Chadds Ford Historical Society Great Pumpkin Carving contest. The sketch is a a lot more impressive then what you can see here ,unfortunately when the picture was scanned ,The Kinkos sale person chopped half of the image that shows the hands, one point at you, and the other holding the sickle,and the flowing rope hanging off the Grim Reaper's arms. I spent a couple of week just studying skeleton to do this sketch. I was Inspire to do this design by the thought that came across my mine about death. We are like helpless babies playing Peek A Boo when it come to our knowledge of the time death will drop by to pick us off. Some people who are terminally ill and are told by the doctor they have only a couple of days to live,must feel like the Grim Reaper is sitting right in front of them with his face hidden behind his hands, and when you lest expected he opens his hand like to great door turning on their hinges to open up to reveal him sticks his face in their's and shrieking ,"Peek A Boo," and followed by a hideous laugh . Stephen J.Vattimo July 19, 2012
Challenge: surealworld VS firephoenix120
Oscarlira 9 Sep 2015
Great story about your drawing
hubert perron 9 Sep 2015
great !!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 27 Sep 2015
Anonymous 9 Sep 2015
interesting picture and story)
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