More artworks made by Joel'sVoid

Kstorm 2015 (+story)
Kstorm was an interesting filly. She didn't have much friends, nor did she really care. Music was her life. She absolutely adored music and their makers, she even wanted to become a music artist herself, when she grew up. Even with her antisocial life style, she was nice to everypony, and she did have one friend. Clay Stone, was his name. He and Kstorm hang out and played together a lot. Clay was always there for her, no matter what. He was the shoulder to cry on for Kstorm, and boy, did she need one. Other foals made fun of her a lot, because of her chubbiness and because she was nearsighted. A part of the reason of her bad eye sight could be, that her eyes are pointed, like a batpony's, but Kstorm wasn't a batpony, she was just a normal pony with a few problems. Others also made fun of her mane a lot, it was, as they put it, a rat's nest;"Big, poofy, messy, and bizarre". Both Clay and Kstorm lived in Baltimare, before moving to Ponyville. It was just something about the place, that made it feel so magical and homey. Kstorm knew that this place was better and she would get lots of friends, too! The first day of school was...well...not what she wanted. She had accidentally tripped and knocked off a few open paint bottles of the table and paint well all over her. It was embarrassing! Everypony was laughing at her a walking disaster, that destroys everything, just like a storm would. She ran out of the classroom fast and didn't even look back, when Clay called out for her. Tired and covered in paint, Kstorm was now lost in a forest. Oh, great. Just fantastic! It was dark, cold and scary, a few things Kstorm didn't like at all. She wanted out of there, she wanted to go home. Why was she always doomed to be alone and scared? Suddenly, she hears rustling from behind some bushes. Oh, no. She slowly backs away, when a pink pony jumps out from the bushes...Kstorm looked at her, confused and puzzled. The filly introduced herself as Pinkie Pie. Why was she there? No idea. Pinkie giggled at her shyness and walked closer to her slowly, not wanting to scare her. She asked for Kstorm's name and after a silent moment, she got it. She then invited her for a small party at her house. First, Kstorm tried to decline the offer, saying she was too dirty to go, but soon learned that "no" wasn't in the pink filly's vocabulary. She was taken to a pastry shop, where a party definitely was going on. Surely even the princess could hear it all the way from Canterlot. Pinkie didn't stop at the party, but took Kstorm upstairs to the bathroom and said that she could bathe there and come back down when ready. After a quick bath, Kstorm went back downstairs and looked around. There was a lot of ponies there, both old and young. What kind of party is this? She looked around a bit more and saw Clay, quickly running to him. Clay had said how worried he was and, as an apology, Kstorm gave him a hug and told him what had happened. Soon after Pinkie had joined their conversation and the three talked the rest of the day. They even made friendship bracelets, that said "Best Friends Forever". Though Pinkie didn't wear it more than a few days, because she had accidentally eaten it, when it fell into the cake she was baking. Kstorm nor Clay couldn't get mad at her, knowing Pinkie Pie was just being Pinkie Pie. Years had pasted and Kstorm was where she always wanted to be. She had decided to become a DJ after she found out, that she didn't have any talent in playing an instrument. Clay had said that becoming a DJ was more her style and he was right. She loved it! Though because of her bad eyesight, it was a bit hard at times, but she couldn't give up. She just had to learn where everything was and Clay was there to help her as always. Though, it was a bit lonely at times, knowing that Pinkie couldn't be with them. After awhile of becoming a teenager, Kstorm and Clyde had moved to Canterlot, to practice on Kstorm's musical talents, living Ponyville and Pinkie behind. Apparently Pinkie had gotten new friends and Kstorm was happy to know, that she was doing well. Soon enough Kstorm had finally gotten her cutiemark and she couldn't be happier, though Clay still stayed a blank-flank, but he said that it didn't matter to him, for as long as he could help his friend, he didn't need a cutiemark. Clay had always inspired Kstorm to become a better person and to love herself, when others called her names. Clay always told her, that one day she would become a shining star and the haters would be blinded by her light. And that shall be the lesson she would tell everypony she could. "Love yourself, you're a star."