More artworks made by The Scorpion Art


Lonely Scorpions Team

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-09-04


Its for the class of Image Tehory...i hope you like it


  • hubert perron 5 Sep 2015

    's great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • RaihanZainal 14 Sep 2015

    Awesome Job Thumbs up :)

  • Nathan 5 Sep 2015

    This is a great design and look's really good and I feel bad for having too say the lettering is very hard too read!

  • KhayalGhorban 5 Sep 2015

    Oh it's amazing! :)

  • Hipple25 5 Sep 2015

    nice pattern and flow

  • Anonymous 5 Sep 2015

    I love the sharp edges and bold colours! However, the words are a bit hard to read. Great job though!

  • Anonymous 5 Sep 2015

    not bad

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