
More artworks made by frell


  • Crystal Jones 3 Sep 2015

    So lovely ! ^^

  • BlueSpiritWolf6 4 Feb 2017

    This is so incredible amazing <3

  • Rodaina 6 Sep 2016

    amazing work

  • terrycurley 4 Sep 2015

    Gorgeous as always!

  • Anahid 3 Sep 2015

    Wow! That is truly one perfect forest painting! Very well done!

  • MAR-Castelli 16 Sep 2015

    the image is too small, but 5 stars however ^^

  • Koi 5 Sep 2015

    Very beautiful!!!

  • XML 5 Sep 2015

    Beautiful out look on nature. Looks so calm and gentle.

  • Kimberlily 4 Sep 2015


  • KrazyLoveLess 4 Sep 2015

    O_____O This is amazing! Did you use oils? :)

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