You're Still The Only One
Emulaila was born to be married into royalty, her life, dedicated to ensuring that would happen. She had the best tutors her people could provide, she knew every custom and a plethora of languages. But the cataclysm happened before her promised vows could be spoken and she was swept away into an unfamiliar land. Lilliatn nobility was shattered, there was no caste anymore, everything her family had trained her for no longer existed, she had a chance to live a life of her choosing. She met Cassris a reclusive member of the royal guard. He taught her of the new world and his fascination with the black birds that inhabited it. He presented her with a breeding pair of albino ravens, a gift to keep on giving. Her brother caught on to their budding romance and took her away, still determined to marry her into some form of power. Once again she was forced to live someone else's life, but she would always be reminded of Cassris by her growing family of white birds. Before she could ever put together the courage to escape her fate and return to her true love, Cassris was executed and all remaining forms of Lilliatn leadership dismantled. With no potential husband and her one love dead, she was left to wither away the rest of her immortal life never truly knowing freedom, like the birds she kept caged. Lineart: traditional Colors: Photoshop CS6 + Wacom Intuos
Mutantenfisch 3 Sep 2015
The colours and flow here are beautiful and I really like the backstory. Well done.
Care-Pulpo 22 Sep 2015
Nice story and amazing draw
Carbon2Tree 9 Sep 2015
I like how the colouring and shading feels like water colour. Nice anatomy and proportions. :)
silentwolf9876 4 Sep 2015
Amazingly beautiful! ^_^
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