Spicy bubble
Sorry I haven't been posting for the longest time. I have my matriculation examination going on the school so that's keeping me busy. I have still worked with my art now and then. Now I finally "have" time to post it. Also going to post older art work when I have time. This one got it inspiration from my older work so this is the remake of it. It's super crappy and old so I won't post it here
Challenge: Rodaina VS Ramur
Spideecartoon 2 Sep 2015
Cool art. Well done
cruey 2 Sep 2015
It provokes a creepy feeling which is good because any good art is provocative! The colour scheme is also nice and the blue around the subject contrasts well with the colours of your background. I especially like the blue and purple tones you used on her leg wear.
IrondoomDesign 1 Sep 2015
Nice colors
Anonymous 1 Sep 2015
very colourful, very nice :)
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