More artworks made by JPW Artist


Paul McCartney (improved)

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-09-01


My pencil drawing of Paul McCartney. Improved some aspects of the drawing I wasn't happy with.

Challenge: caratulion VS JPW Artist


  • Oscarlira 1 Sep 2015

    Wow,and i though it was perfect last time you showed up

  • Hill's Beverly Creative 24 Feb 2017

    I am drawn to this portrait because I'm a Beatlemaniac from the 60's. That being said, good job on Sir Paul ! (This is obviously later in life) You have captured his likeness in his later years, not over flatteringly, but realistically. I like like !

  • Crystal Jones 1 Sep 2015

    Very good work ! ^^

  • xpector 11 Dec 2015

    are you sure this is a drawing? (it was rhetorical) .Not bad i give you just 10 out of 5 stars!!

  • didier1961 6 Oct 2015

    verry good work :-)

  • kiranox 1 Sep 2015

    phenomenal I almost didn't think it was a drawing. The hair gave it away for me, but that's not saying that it didn't take a good minute examining it before I realized it. Great values

  • MAR-Castelli 1 Sep 2015


  • sarahriebe 1 Sep 2015

    Love it! You do wrinkles in the face so well..

  • oac wont let you leave 15 Sep 2015

    Amazing work

  • hgardin 1 Sep 2015

    Great shading and blending. The folds of his face have real dimension to them. I love the skin textures you have captured as well.

  • Anonymous 1 Sep 2015

    Very realistic; I thought it was a photo to begin with.

  • Angelicateriksson 1 Sep 2015

    Great job!

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