More artworks made by soulartist90

seahorse and shipwreck
An underwater picture from my hand-drawn coloring book. Any tips on drawing underwater scenes would be greatly appreciated!
Eternal Art 27 Aug 2015
I love the little details in this :) I have never attempted to draw underwater scenes therefore i can't give you any tips :( sorry
Don Art 28 Aug 2015
nice sketch
Anonymous 27 Aug 2015
Great work and nicely detailed! In the future you could try to add some bubbles (wherever it's possible, like next to fish), 'curved' lines to resemble waves, which would look like water currents, and details such as starfish or combs on the sand to make it more interesting. The only downside is the fact that everything seems 'in focus', so at first sight I thought it was a huge seahorse wrecking a ship. But since it's meant for a coloring book the only thing you could do is using darker/'bolted' lines when drawing stuff that's closer to the eye and faint ones for what's farther.
Haalaesc 27 Aug 2015
really nice great work :)
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