
More artworks made by frell


Альпийское озеро

By frell
Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-08-26


  • Hill's Beverly Creative 8 Mar 2017

    Pretty ^ _ ^

  • Oscarlira 27 Aug 2015

    Amazing, water Looks fantastic

  • Crystal Jones 26 Aug 2015

    Great work. i love it !!!

  • terrycurley 26 Aug 2015

    The colors in this picture are so striking. A beautiful piece of art.

  • rekso69 21 Oct 2015

    yet another beautiful work

  • Sternenfresser 26 Aug 2015

    I wish I couuld jump in the water right now

  • Don Art 27 Aug 2015

    wow!! so beautiful!

  • maubro 26 Aug 2015

    Oustanding :D

  • Anonymous 2 Apr 2017

    ^.^ really interesting.. [:

  • Koi 29 Aug 2015

    Отличная работа! Очень красиво!

  • soulartist90 27 Aug 2015

    gorgeous! wow

  • LadyoftheApocalypse 27 Aug 2015

    You did an amazing job on this! I love the reflections of colors in the water.

  • hgardin 26 Aug 2015

    Wonderful colours and atmospheric effect. I like how you have rendered the water, how the colours are reflected and how you have shown the difference between the deep and shallow water.

  • VedR1109 26 Aug 2015

    Excellent work.

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