More artworks made by Zarko


How could you leave....?

By Zarko
Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-08-23


Dedicated to my very special friend Dakota. This is a drawing of things that happened a few nights ago. Basically, I heard some bad news about Dakota leaving for a long while (he didn't die thank God...he...just broke contact with all of us) so I went out to take a walk and try to vent my emotions out, but the city was filled with people so I went up to the highest and the most lonely point where I was closest to God. I cried and prayed for a miracle. The message in the painting is: "My heart hurts-but i still love you - please come back..."


  • Helera 24 Aug 2015

    I0m sure of it! :)

  • Helera 23 Aug 2015

    So powerfull! I LOve it

  • Riverartist 23 Aug 2015

    The background is beautiful :)

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