More artworks made by CeeCeeDude


Negative Forest

Type: photo Uploaded: 2015-08-23


I took a picture in the creek behind the Elementary School I live by and made it negative with my phone editing thing. I hope you all enjoy it, I thought it looked really cool! (3

Challenge: Victoria Rosenfield VS CeeCeeDude


  • NykuT 23 Aug 2015

    amazing O.O

  • Carbon2Tree 19 Jul 2017

    I thought this was a painting at first. I like the textures that you were able to create with this. The colors worked out nicely too :)

    CeeCeeDude 19 Jul 2017

    Thank you very much! It's a good thing I like to mess with photos on my phone, this wouldn't have ended up being a thing otherwise. :)

  • Anonymous 29 Mar 2017

    :> trully outstanding!!! [=

    CeeCeeDude 29 Mar 2017

    Thank you so much!

  • Luckybucky 23 Aug 2015

    Pretty :)

  • Aerotrack 23 Aug 2015

    interesting style ;з

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