More artworks made by sarahriebe

Eye Comparison
So I was watching one of the videos of a guy named Dino Tomic and he started drawing with two hands. So it got me thinking that my left hand doesn't get my creative action. So I set about creating a simple drawing with both my hands. One for my left, and one for my right. I didn't actually think that the drawing I did with my left(the top one) would turn out as well as it did. So I'm going to continue to practice til I can eventually draw with both hands at once.
Jan Spicka 8 Dec 2015
nice work
Eddieblz 22 Aug 2015
Very nice. Top one came out surprisingly well.
Terrix PowerPoint 19 Dec 2015
Great eye artworks.
tatingf 29 Sep 2015
Ah! Such an interesting exercise! It motivates me to try it myself haha. Both look really good :) Great detail!
ClaytownPaintings 22 Aug 2015
Very cool experiment. Both turned out great!
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