More artworks made by kiranox


You Obviously Like Owls

By kiranox
Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-08-21


I quite frequently find myself fixated on various animals. My most recent enthrallment is called the sooty owl, who basically looks like a poor bird possessed by a demon. The YOLO: for the longest time I couldn't remember what YOLO meant and then somewhere I read someone saying it as "you obviously like owls" and that is what stuck in my head, hence, YOLO 1.5 Hours Photoshop CS6 + Wacom Intuos Thanks Tumblr for introducing me to this bizarre creature


  • SML 22 Aug 2015

    more like....yowlo *giggles* *snorts* awesome work ; w ;

  • Marulikeslamas 22 Aug 2015

    Thats a really cute picture. I think i did a really good job with the feathers and the shading.

  • BernardinHatesMath 21 Aug 2015

    *gasp* How did you know?

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