More artworks made by Artist Rajesh Arjoon


~Be as humble as the lamb & as great as the lion~

Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-08-20


Water Paint on Canvas

Challenge: sunflower VS Artist Rajesh Arjoon


  • hubert perron 2 Jan 2016

    splendid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LadyoftheApocalypse 8 Sep 2015

    This is so amazing! You did such a fantastic job on this!

  • xpector 30 Dec 2015

    woooow! Amazing work!!

  • Eternal Art 27 Aug 2015

    this is epic! the details are amazing!!

  • trevorp 21 Aug 2015

    Nice juxtaposition with majestic looking lion and meek looking lamb :-)

  • Michelle Nguyen 22 Aug 2015

    beautiful work

  • GT_Oro 26 Aug 2015

    Beautiful art!

  • Cole 23 Jul 2016

    i love how you painted this! the contrast between the lion and the lamb is sick dude!

    Artist Rajesh Arjoon 7 Aug 2016

    Thank you!

  • Marulikeslamas 21 Aug 2015

    That is absolutely gorgeous!

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