More artworks made by Jacksonart
(Featured at the SUNY Orange student art show)This traditional piece for the Game of Thrones HBO feature stands as a symbolic design for having control, power. The purple dominating half the face resembles shadowing. There is also a sense of Abstractism with the structure of the hair and the shapes dominating the lower half of the piece. Like any other art piece this piece has received various reactions and interpretations. What I noticed in most reactions was that viewers were drawn to the capture of the eyes. The eyes contribute to the entire facial expression.
Eddieblz 20 Aug 2015
This is a very cool concept. The imagery is stunning.
Anonymous 20 Aug 2015
Storymaker 20 Aug 2015
Yes, very nice, and indeed I'm getting drawn in by her eyes right away, very nice job, like the way you did the shadowing also ^_^
Stevie The Fixer 20 Aug 2015
The eyes and the neutral expression do indeed convey power and dominance as do the much smaller people in the crowd and the fact that they are only defined sketchily by their hair. This says to me that people don't matter to the central power figure. An excellent image making a strong point very simply.
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