More artworks made by Aliencon


Children's Book Page

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-08-15


It's been forever since I posted something here. I guess I wanted to improve my artwork a bit before returning. Well, here's one of the fruits of my labor. This is a 2 page spread of a children's picture book I'm working on titled "Who is Out There?". Its basically as children's introduction to astrobiology that fallows a young alien named Zeek as he explores several inhabited planets in his dad's spaceship (which he unintentionally activated). I have some other improved artwork I want to share as well but I'm going to color them digitally first.


  • Eddieblz 15 Aug 2015

    Cool style.

  • terrycurley 15 Aug 2015

    This is something kids would love. Good Job! It's adorable.

  • DesertRaptor 15 Aug 2015

    It definately has that cool kids book look to it. Very nice.

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