More artworks made by didier1961


de la soul

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-08-12




  • snakedaemon 7 Nov 2015

    Nice work

  • SML 23 Aug 2015

    the shades are so awesome and the expressions are totally nailed!! great work :3

  • Eternal Art 29 Aug 2015

    I really like the shading and the expression!

  • Mutantenfisch 3 Oct 2015

    The shading and expressions are indeed very good. I like your kinda carricaturistic style a lot, too.

  • Anonymous 13 Jun 2016

    thug life!

  • Anonymous 24 Sep 2015

    Great shading!

  • didier1961 23 Aug 2015

    thank you!!!!!

  • didier1961 13 Aug 2015

    thank you so much

  • hgardin 13 Aug 2015

    Love the expressions and the characterizations.

  • didier1961 12 Aug 2015

    many thanks.....JJ!!!!

  • JERRICK JONES 12 Aug 2015

    man you got it going on love it rate it a 4

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