Elm Fork
I did this art piece for the Elm Fork museum show. And my teacher told me mine wasn't picked to be in the show because it was a few inches under the size requirement and it would not be fair to other students. She told me it wouldn't be fair when i spent days working on this and patiently shading in pen, when the guy next to me who was just laughing how he did his last minute last night and how he put no effort into it. His was picked to be in the show. Other than crying my eyes out about how I didnt really think the scientist and museum workers cared about the size and how into this project I was, I really enjoyed drawing and getting to touch all the dead organisms. This will always have a special place in my heart, and I will always remember to look for unnecessary size requirements.
Challenge: DrDraw VS Ushbus
madishells 9 Aug 2015
So good!
cingaja 9 Aug 2015
Meeramehzabin 9 Aug 2015
Beautiful fluidity
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