More artworks made by Tiuco


Sleeping Alchemist

By Tiuco
Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-08-06


魔法使いの夢 (Magician's Dream) I've had the idea of this picture in my head for a long time; Litchi, the useless demon, more or less voluntarily locked up in his tiny room, practicing healing magic and alchemy. And falling asleep at some point due to allnighters and countless failed experiments. Ahh, I can do so much better than this.. I wanted to add more books, more sparkling things, more EVERYTHING, but I ended up controlling my urges. Oh well... If you look at this picture, and like it even a little bit, that's more than enough to make me happy. So.. I hope you like it! ★Litchi is a character designed and owned by me, and is part of my project Brilliant Skies★


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