More artworks made by rezelsheft


Colorful Skull

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-09-20


A dead raccoon became a neato art project. If you're pet died would you want it immortalized like that or is that too much? I wondered.


  • rezelsheft 20 Sep 2014

    I'm glad you guys think it was a good idea. I kinda thought if I died I'd rather be taken to a taxidermist or anything besides burial. Maybe get made to look like I'm tearing up on a guitar.

  • inoii 20 Sep 2014

    Well, it's a good way to preserve a dead raccoon's skull and make it into an art piece. Quite a creative way to do that actually. :)

  • PepsiArt101 20 Sep 2014

    Thats really creative

  • RedSoulWolf13 20 Sep 2014

    Nice :)

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