More artworks made by Tokyozilla



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-09-20


practice sketching of different critter. Gold beard, smaug, a creeper, and an enderman


  • InkAndLuv 22 Sep 2014

    whoops haha I mean such not suck and also why not with, urg that's what happens when I type fast sorry. I don't know how people are on here with typos so might as well point out my mistake first ;p

  • InkAndLuv 22 Sep 2014

    :'o <3 I got a bit excited when I saw you drew a creeper haha, looks amazing, and I love how none of it blurs together because many times people would draw something like this with multiple characters and it would look like a bit of a mess because of the lack of contrast. :) You are suck a great artist, I have no clue with this doesn't have 5 stars <3

  • inoii 20 Sep 2014

    I love how the lines are darkened at some parts of the sketch, it really helps to make a "pop out" feel, a.k.a realistic feel to it. Great Job! :D

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