More artworks made by Lost Kitten

Scott (full body)
This is one of the designs of my OC Scott, it´s not the final one because I really enjoy re-design the clothes of my characters but it could be a possibility. Este es uno de los diseños de my OC Scott, no es un diseño final porque me encanta re-dibujar ropa para mis personajes pero es una posibilidad. :)
blvckink 16 Sep 2015
nice line drawing ;)
Crystal Jones 5 Aug 2015
Nice work ^^
Thyraize 5 Aug 2015
Redesigning clothes is ever good, most people have more sets of clothes anyway :p I especially like his boots, they seem futuristic.
MINERVUS 5 Aug 2015
Muy buenas lineas. Y el tono de piel fue muy bien coloreado.
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