More artworks made by DamienKnight

another fantasy caracter....
an Exalted solar character whit hes lion pet :D and a big ass sword ofcourse :D
DamienKnight 20 Sep 2014
actually I do......this is an old work of mine.....about 3-4 years a go......i stoped draw him when we stoped playing Exalted.....that is the reason hes hair have no highlights, the lion never shaded....etc :( but when I scan in all my founded work I found him in these bad shape :(
ParcivalGodrigson 20 Sep 2014
While I'm all okey with the shading, quite like the shade on his drapery, I'd advise you try to keep the paper clean while you work. If you transport it, try not to fold it, keep it safe and dry.
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