More artworks made by Justinnator4
quick robot sketch
I felt like spacing out my gallery with another robot. Some of the details are too small for a sketch this size. That forward pointing line at the top of the turret is supposed to be a small anti personnel gun.
Challenge: Justinnator4 VS Merlina
Mutantenfisch 14 Feb 2016
Interesting design. All in all I quite like this, but the perspective seems a bit odd in some Points.
NeyoWargear 30 Nov 2015
I did, I actually still have the drawings. I've been meaning to post more art, but don't really want to spend 100 credits doing so. I might have to redraw them soon.
NeyoWargear 28 Nov 2015
Yeah, I do, I don't draw mechs as much as I used to when I was younger.
NeyoWargear 28 Nov 2015
This reminds me of a mech I drew YEARS ago. Looks real nice.
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