More artworks made by didier1961


angry man

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-26




  • Crystal Jones 28 Dec 2015

    Good work.

  • Eternal Art 28 Aug 2015

    Awesome. You can definitely tell he's angry!

  • Don Art 11 Sep 2015

    wow.. very nica

  • didier1961 28 Aug 2015


  • Anonymous 14 Oct 2015

    Um...very different.

  • didier1961 17 Aug 2015

    thank you!!!!

  • Carbon2Tree 17 Aug 2015

    This spooked me! Wonderful emotion and energy. The style works well for this piece. Nicely done. :)

  • didier1961 27 Jul 2015

    thank you

  • hgardin 27 Jul 2015

    Great use of shadow! The feeling comes through well. I love how his eyes gleam!

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