More artworks made by Armorwing

Embrace It!
I'm gonna be philosophical now, so prepare yoself! When I finished this, I got a weird question stuck in my head: Does accepting dark and twisted things (video games, movies, horror stuff) into your life make you a darker person, or does it liberate you in some way? Does it allow more insight into how you see things? Tell me if I'm just BSing this, but it was a thought. Anyway, this was a project I was given with the prompt of "reaching hands", and this is what I came up with: hands reaching for some mysterious horror around them. Made with graphite.
Tomas 3 Aug 2015
Nice idea :)
maikeru 17 Aug 2015
the hands are really good
Jan Spicka 25 Jul 2015
no, it totally liberates u, better than be naive and not knowing 'the others'
osmanthusette 6 Aug 2015
Wow, this is really nice!
RonnyWolf 25 Jul 2015
Whoa, this gave me some feels somehow. Really love it tho. The shadow and everything.
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