More artworks made by Armorwing

A Devil Known as Perrish
I read Joe Hill's Horns a while ago after I saw the movie (which isn't really bad, but the book is always better). I liked it enough to make the main character, Ig Perrish, the focus of this project. I had to take two pictures and combine them with blocks featuring a different part of the pictures. Ig himself is drawn in graphite, and the devil he becomes (in the movie) is done in colored pencil. Turns out to have taken longer than I wanted, but was worth it in the end!
Challenge: deathlouis VS Armorwing
Jan Spicka 1 Jun 2016
nice work
osmanthusette 3 Aug 2015
This is really nice!
E.Fedorenko 25 Jul 2015
This is not the "Great Red Dragon" Francis Dolarhyde ?.... very similar.The stunning drawing )))
Manakeksi 24 Jul 2015
I like these "puzzle" style in your work! Hm, puzzle is perhaps the wrong word, but I like it, it's a great idea and a really good work!
Xeno Haider 24 Jul 2015
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